19 June 2012

Wholemeal Pumpkin Seed Crackers

Wholemeal Pumpkin Seed Crackers
A healthy snack. Enjoy on its own, with a slice of cheese or a nice spread.

To be honest, Max had to try them a couple of times before he actually ate a whole one. I think it was the seeds I had put on. He seemed to be much happier with just parmesan topping.

And cutting out little car, train and aeroplane shapes definitely helped.

Portions: about 25 crackers
Cooking time: 20 mins preparation + 25 mins baking

What's in it: Pumpkin seeds are well known for their unique health benefits. They are a very good source of protein, as well as the minerals phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. Pumpkin seeds also contain other minerals including zinc, iron and copper.

  • 250g wholemeal flour
  • 200g quark
  • 150g salted butter
  • 150g pumpkin seeds
  • 1 egg fro brushing
  • Sesame seeds, poppy seeds, paprika powder, parmesan cheese for sprinkling

  1. Start by grounding the pumpkin seeds in a food processor.
  2. Add flour and butter and mix until the mixture looks like bread crumbs.
  3. Transfer mixture to a large bowl and add quark.
  4. Start to mix the ingredients using a wooden spoon first, then continue with your hands.
  5. Knead quickly and stop as soon as a ball is formed and no batter is sticking the bowl.
  6. Preheat oven to 200ºC.
  7. With a rolling pin, roll out pastry between two sheets of baking paper to about 5mm.
  8. If pastry is very soft, place in the fridge for about 20 minutes. This will make it harder and easier to cut.
  9. Cut out shapes with a cookie cutter and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  10. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  11. Transfer onto a rack for cooling.
Pumpkin seed crackers - Healthy snacks - step 1
Pumpkin seed crackers - Healthy snacks - step 3
Pumpkin seed crackers - Healthy snacks - step 2

Adult version: Roll out a bit thinner and cut out round shapes. These crackers are particularly nice with Stilton.

Crackers will keep in an airtight container for up to 4 days. 


About this blog
This blog is about family cooking. It's important to get together for family meals. Here I'm posting healthy family recipes that kids and adults will love and make cooking for the family more fun. All my family recipes are well balanced and healthy family recipes but they can be tweaked for fussy eaters or spiced up for a more sophisticated adult palate. In addition to the healthy family recipes, I'm publishing some of my knitting and crochet patterns for toddler toys and accessories.